Thanks for joining the Festival of Flourishing!


You’ve taken a small but mighty step towards reclaiming your wellbeing and building a life of flourishing. We’re looking forward to having you with us on this 30-day journey.

A green, beige and pink tile that says "Festival of Flourishing" in pink above a brown-haired woman using a green watering can to water yellow and orange flowers growing out of her head. Below it says, "Returning in 2025"

What Happens Next?

  1. Check Your Inbox: Look out for a welcome email - it might take an hour or two to arrive, but it's on its way! It contains everything you'll need to know for the Festival.
  2. Mark Your Calendar: We'll get in touch when we're closer to Festival time, but you can mark October as Flourishing month now.
  3. Share With Friends: Flourishing is more fun when you've got company. Together, we'll be choosing small acts of resistance to the social norms that push us towards toxic productivity. The more Festival-goers there are, the stronger that resistance becomes.

Make Flourishing Easier with the TANK App

Ahead of the Festival of Flourishing, we recommend downloading the TANK app.

We created TANK to help you put boundaries on your stressors, discover your best recovery activities, and build your personal wellbeing patterns. Download it here:  

Get it on Google Play
Download on the app store
the first screen of the TANK mobile app. It's a blue-grey background fading to pale blue a the bottom, with white text in the middle that says "Welcome to TANK - Beat burnout, win at what counts." There's a black button with white text that says "get started"

Together, we’re going to make flourishing your new normal.

See you at the Festival!

We live and work on Country that has been cared for by the Gadigal people of the Eora nation for uncounted generations. We offer respect and gratitude to their elders past and present.
We acknowledge that sovereignty was never ceded.